There are a number of towns in the United States that are considered to be among the most intriguing and crowded. There are some of the most notorious and dangerous gangs that have their headquarters there. They are involved in a variety of illegal activities, including the sale of drugs, extortion, robbery, murder, and other crimes, and they operate in many regions of the state. In the state of California, these five gangs are now the most dangerous in the state.
Mara Salvatrucha, also known as MS-13, is a gang that is comprised of individuals from all over the world. The movement started in Los Angeles in the 1980s with families from El Salvador who were forced to flee their nation due to the civil conflict. Since that time, individuals from various regions of the United States of America, Central America, Europe, and even Australia have joined the mob.
In order to kill victims, MS-13 employs both machetes and traditional ways. Many illegal activities, including the trafficking of people and women, the kidnapping of individuals, and the introduction of illegal substances into the country, are carried out by the group. There are around 10,000 people in the United States who are members of MS-13. A significant number of them may be found in Southern California, primarily in the San Fernando Valley and the Pico-Union surrounding area.
Nuestra Familia
There was a jail gang known as Nuestra Familia, which was also transcribed as “Our Family.” During the latter half of the 1960s, members of the organization gathered at this particular location. The structure is similar to that of an armed organization, and the gang adheres to a set of rules.
A significant number of the criminal activities that take place in Northern California are under the control of Nuestra Familia. The country and the Central Valley are among the places where this is especially true. On top of that, the Mexican Mafia and the gang have had a tense relationship for a considerable amount of time.
The Mexican Mafia is yet another powerful jail gang that operates in Orange County. About two thousand members of our family are currently incarcerated or have just done so. Norteños are considered to be their friends and allies.
Among the first and largest street gangs in the United States, the Crips were among the first. At the tail end of the 1960s, Raymond Washington and Stanley Williams were the ones that initiated the process in Los Angeles. There are several distinct sets or subgroups that make up the gang, and each of these subgroups has its own distinct leader, attitude, and position.
Crips are familiar to the general public due to the signs that they employ with the number 6, the letter “C,” and the color blue. Crips are involved in a variety of criminal activities, including trafficking in drugs, committing murders, and stealing. There are around 35,000 persons in the United States who are members of the Crips. Southern California is home to a number of cities, including Los Angeles, Compton, Long Beach, and Inglewood, where the majority of them make their homes.
When the Hells Angels
Hells Angels is a motorcycle club that was established in 1948 by a group of women who had received military service during World War II. The club is considered to be an outlaw biker gang by the authorities due to the fact that it is involved in a variety of criminal activities, including extortion, drug dealing, murder, and racketeering.
It is common knowledge that the Hells Angels are recognizable by the color red, the letter A, and the head of a dead body that they wear. There are around 2,500 members of the Hells Angels in the United States. The majority of them reside in the communities of San Bernardino, Ventura, Sacramento, and the Bay Area in the state of California.
The Strength of Armenia
Armenians who had relocated to Los Angeles in the 1980s laid the groundwork for the formation of a street gang known as Armenian Power (AP). There are a variety of groupings, or cliques, that comprise the gang. Every one of them has its own territory and master. Armenian power is represented by the Armenian flag, the color black, and the letter P. All of these elements are utilized together.
Armenian Power is guilty of committing a number of sins, including but not limited to extortion, murder, identity theft, and fraud. Approximately 250 persons in the United States are members of Armenian Power. Their primary residences are located in the Southern California cities of Glendale, Burbank, and Hollywood.
Final Thoughts
All of these gangs are among the most violent in the state of California at the moment. The safety and security of the state is similarly threatened by a great number of other things. The police are not the only ones who have a problem with these gangs; individuals and groups who reside in areas where criminal activity and corrupt practices are prevalent also have a problem with these communities. A large number of individuals need to be aware of these criminal organizations in order to prevent their spread. Furthermore, it is of utmost importance to provide assistance and opportunities to young people and those from disadvantaged groups, who are easy to convince to work for them and convert their perspectives.