Sleeping in Your Car in Michigan: Is It Legal? If you’re driving down the road and getting quite drowsy, you might ask yourself, is it legal to sleep in my car in Michigan?
If you are that tired that you fall asleep at the wheel, then you are a danger to yourself and everyone else on the road. So it only stands to reason that you should be able to pull over and take a quick cat nap in your car, right?
Well, it’s not really that easy.
Is It Legal to Sleep in Your Car in Michigan?
So can you sleep in your car in Michigan? Yes, you can. Technically speaking, you can take an afternoon snooze or a whole night’s sleep of 8 hours. However, there are rules, laws, and ordinances to adhere to so that you may do so safely.
Where Can You Park to Sleep in Your Car in Michigan?
Even though Michigan does not have a law that prohibits you from sleeping in your car, each town or city can have their own local laws against it. So before you put it in park in a new town, you will want to double-check their laws.
And, for those who say that sign on the side, a gentle reminder that no-parking signs are no-parking zones no matter the hour. So if you must catch a few Zs, don’t catch them on these zones, and while you’re at it, be sure to park someplace safe.
Rest stops are good places to catch a few Z’s, but check first to make sure there is no sign saying you cannot park there. Business lots, such as Walmart, have been recommended, too. However, not all Walmart lots allow this.
It is legal to sleep in your car in the state of Michigan, but only in certain areas.