Vaping and Driving in Georgia: Is It Legal? Here’s What You Should Know

Vaping and Driving in Georgia: Is It Legal? The more recent the years have been, the more people have been vaping, especially as an alternative for smoking. With this increased number, many of the drivers would be wondering whether in Georgia it is possible to vape while driving.

Although Georgia does not have any specific regulation stating that you cannot vape while driving, vapers should know how the rest of the state’s driving laws may impact them.

This blog will discuss the current laws regarding vaping while driving, the risks which may come with it, and how to follow the rules.

No Specific Law Bans Vaping While Driving in Georgia

It is not illegal in Georgia to vape when driving. Unlike consuming alcohol or other controlled substances, vaping isn’t technically illegal per se. However, that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s not possible to get into trouble by vaping while driving.

    There is no law that specifically states you may not vape and drive, but other Georgia traffic laws can apply to vaping drivers if it renders them a less safe driver.

    Distracted Driving Laws Might Apply

    When individuals vape while driving, one of the major concerns is that they will not concentrate on the road.

      A ban on holding or supporting a cell phone or other electronic device with any part of one’s body while driving went into effect in Georgia in 2018 under the new Georgia Hands-Free Law.

      Distracted driving laws encompass anything that takes the driver’s eyes off the road or hands off the steering wheel, including the use of a cell phone.

      It may cause diversion while driving if it causes loss of focus, taking hands off the wheel, or covering your view; for instance, if there are big clouds of vapour blocking your view.

      Georgia prohibits distracted driving, so if a police officer recognizes you vaping while driving erratically or not focused on the road, you can be stopped and fined.

      Reckless Driving: A Potential Problem

      In Georgia, reckless driving is an extremely dangerous traffic offense. It simply means driving a car in such a way that you do not care about other people or your property’s safety.
      You can be charged with reckless driving, if vaping while driving forces you to take dangerous turns and overtakes the speed limit, or you don’t obey the traffic signs.

        Careless driving is a misdemeanor in Georgia. You can face fines, points on your license, or even jail time for this offense. In the worst-case scenarios, it might even result in losing your driver’s license.

        It is not particularly hazardous to vape, but doing so in a manner that increases its difficulty in safe driving will lead to poor outcomes.

        Possible DUI Issues with Vaping Products

        Nicotine liquids are permitted for adults in Georgia, who are at least 21 years of age, and most e-cigarettes and vaping devices use these liquids.
        But many devices can be used to vape other materials, including CBD and THC — the stuff that gets you high from weed — or other chemicals.

          When it comes to driving while impaired, Georgia does not mess around. You could be charged with a DUI if you’re caught vaping something that makes you less able to drive, such as THC.

          Marijuana is still technically illegal in Georgia, which means that you can be charged with both DUI and drug possession when using a vape product containing THC while behind the wheel.

          If the police believe that what you’re smoking is not nicotine, they can do further tests, such as field driving tests or searches, to determine if you are high on illegal drugs.

          Remaining Safe and the Law While Driving

          There is no harsh Georgia legislation against smoking while driving, but it’s safer not to do so. To ensure that vaping does not jeopardize your ability to drive safely, heed the following tips:

            Avoid big clouds of vapour. Pay attention to how much vapour your gadget makes. When there are too many clouds, it is hard to see on the road.

            Vape only when there are fewer people along the road. You are best to vape when you do not need to handle much traffic or complicated road conditions that demand all your attention.

            If smoking distracts you, then pull over to a safe place such as a rest stop or parking lot before taking that puff.


            Even though it is not a crime to vape in Georgia, you can get into trouble if it leads to distraction on the road or else you vape recklessly.

            Always put safety first to make sure that smoking does not make you less able to drive. Let’s always follow Georgia’s traffic rules and always remember that the most important thing is to keep your eyes on the road.

            Michael Quandt

            Michael Quandt

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