4 Astrological Signs Who Feel Safe in Scary Things

4 Astrological Signs Who Feel Safe in Scary Things


Seeker of Thrill Aries likes scary movies because they give them chills and scares. Not much can scare this brave zodiac sign. For Aries, what gives other people nightmares is pure fun. They can’t take their eyes off the screen when other people would scream and cover their eyes. That’s why they watch scary movies: it’s not just for fun, but also because it helps them relax. The type of TV shows and movies that Aries like make their heart beat fast and their energy run high. If there are jump scares, blood, a scary evil force, or something else gross, Aries will enjoy it more. It’s a journey for brave Aries to sit through the blood and guts. They like slashers, survival horror, magical stories, “good for her” horror, and stories where the hero or anti-heroine has to trick their enemy to win.


True crime and scary movies are very interesting to Gemini. People born under this sign really enjoy getting into books and films about the things they’re interested in. For them, it’s getting to the bottom of the unknown that helps. This star sign is ruled by Mercury, which is the planet of intelligence and the mind. Their ruling planet tells them to follow their interest and learn more about the world. This shows up as a wide range of interests in different subjects and studies. For many Geminis, this means being interested in serious topics that other people avoid. Gemini is interested in mysteries, like who did it and why, as well as the psychology side of what makes bad people do bad things and the investigative side. Roman Empires ruled by many Geminis are some of the biggest mysteries still unsolved. They’ll listen to a true crime podcast on their walks or on the way to work. There are murder tales, gothic novels, and true crime books on their nightstand.


Scorpio is the sign of death and rebirth, so it’s not a surprise that they like scary movies. As the name suggests, Pluto is in charge of them. Pluto is named after the Greek god who rules over the dead and all that is hidden below the surface. Pluto makes people naturally interested in and drawn to the supernatural and gross things. They are drawn to the beauty and purpose that can be found in scary things. Scorpio says that the best movies of this type are the ones that make you feel very strongly. Scorpios have always found comfort in scary things because they know life has darker and sadder sides. This sign of the zodiac has died many times and then rose from the ashes many times. They are someone who has been through a lot of pain and grown because of it. Horror was used to help them feel better because it showed them things that were worse and scarier than the horrible things that happened to them in real life. Horror makes them remember how strong they are and how much they can heal themselves. This is why Scorpio does so well around Halloween and the witch season.


Sometime after finishing a book, article, or movie, Aquarius couldn’t stop thinking about it. It was about something scary, strange, unsolved, or incomprehensible that left them with more questions than answers. They like the subject because it gives them a chance to think about things. Also, it’s just a sign that they like things that other people don’t think are “normal.” People born under this zodiac sign are naturally interested in the mysteries of the world. They are fascinated by the parts of horror, true crime, sci-fi, and conspiracy ideas that make them think. For them, an interesting and scary piece of writing makes them think about the characters, about people in general, and about how bad people can be. It gets to the heart of things and makes them think about themselves. Horror makes Aquarius feel better because it makes them think of the complexities of life and something much bigger than themselves. The most scary stories are the ones that make them feel something deep inside.

Timothy Friedel

Timothy Friedel

Timothy Friedel is a seasoned news writer with a passion for delivering timely, accurate, and insightful stories. With a background in journalism, Timothy specializes in covering social policy, economic trends, and public welfare programs. His work focuses on helping readers understand important changes and their real-world impact.

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